Teamwork at all levels has proved critical in overcoming unforeseen obstacles in the execution of a school roof upgrade.

Milestone Contracting Ltd


Pellings LLP

System Used:

TA-25 Flat Roofing System

Richmond & Wandsworth Council commissioned the refurbishment of Alderbrook Primary School involving upgrading of the inset atrium roof and a self-supporting 16+m long rooflight over the main school hall.

The Task

Pellings instructed Langley to undertake a roof condition survey that gathered data for a detailed condition report, which advised on the best value solution for the Council capital expenditure-funded project. Langley Approved Contractor Milestone Contracting Limited won the work, being able to undertake both elements of the roof refurbishment and glazing.

Alderbrook school new rooflight installation
Alderbrook school RBM detailing to rooflight

The Outcome

“We know from past experience that partnering with Langley through the lifecycle of a project- not just to completion, but beyond, ensures peace of mind for all stakeholders. Alderbrook was such a complex job, with so many moving parts and elements, it was re-assuring to have a single source of supply and accountability including design, supply, install and guarantee for both the roof and rooflight.”

Chris English, Senior Associate, Pellings LLP

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More about the system used

TA-25 product

High-performance SBS torch applied roofing system offering a 25 year insurance backed guarantee.

Discover More
Extremely Robust & Flexible
Heavy Duty Composition
25 year Guarantee